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ME31204 Masterkidz Advanced Level Gears and Pulleys Kit 198 Piece 進階版齒輪滑輪套裝 198件套

ME31204 Masterkidz Advanced Level Gears and Pulleys Kit 198 Piece 進階版齒輪滑輪套裝 198件套

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Masterkidz Advanced Level Gears and Pulleys Kit 198 Piece 進階版齒輪滑輪套裝 198件套

這款套件提供了豐富的組件,旨在鼓勵孩子們構建和創造自己的機械裝置。孩子們可以輕鬆地將組件固定到任何Masterkidz 活動牆 (Masterkidz STEM Wall)、推車或桌子上,在自由探索遊戲中添加零件,觀察會發生什麼。


  • 多樣化的齒輪:內含34個不同尺寸的齒輪,其中一些還配有手搖把手,讓孩子們可以驅動其他互連的齒輪。
  • 連接組件:包括驅動鏈、2條皮帶、4個滑輪(兩種尺寸)和一個籠狀連接器,使滑輪和齒輪之間的連接變得簡單。
  • 立體機械系統:提供2個面板(200mm x 400mm)和連接支架,可以將其連接到STEM牆上,形成90度的結構,創造三維的機械系統。
  • 足夠的組件:這套件內的組件足夠一整班學生使用,或提升整個學校的STEM資源,拓展更多的可能性。


  • 重量:6.6磅 / 3公斤
  • 材質:ABS

This set provides a huge selection of components to encourage children to build and make their own mechanical devices. They can simply fix components to any STEM Wall, trolley or table in open discovery play adding pieces to see what happens. There are 34 gears in different sizes and some with a wind handle so they can be the driver of other interconnected gears. There is a drive chain, 2 pulley belts, 4 pulleys (in two sizes) and a cage connector to enable pulleys to be connected together, gears to be connected together or gears and pulleys fixed to each other. In addition, there are 2 panels (200mm x 400mm) with brackets to connect them to a STEM Wall providing another surface which can be set at 90 degrees to create mechanical systems in 3 dimensions! There are easily enough components in this set for an entire class – or to extend the possibilities of a whole school resource towards even greater STEM possibilities.

Weight: 6.6lb/3kg   Material: ABS

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