Beleduc Animal Confusion Look & Search Card Game 找找看失蹤動物紙牌遊戲
其他變化方式: 可將這些卡牌與動物模型一起使用,作為科學探索動物的輔助工具。
The zookeeper has left the doors open while he was tidying up. Who can find the lost animals?
The player who finds all the lost animals wins the game.
All the animals are hidden in small groups in the different piles of cards.
Other variations: Use these cards in conjunction with the animal figures as a support in science to discover the animals.
Game preparation:
To start the game, the cards are first sorted into two piles (according to the colour
on the back). The cards with red backs are shuffled and set out in a circle in six piles
(each containing 3 cards). The cards with the blue backs are shuffled and placed
in the middle, all in one pile. Then the uppermost card of the central pile is turned
over – this is now the animal everyone is looking for.
How to play
Play is in a clockwise direction. The player who has most recently been to a zoo is
allowed to start.
The aim of the game is to locate the animal shown on top of the blue pile in one of
the eight outer piles. To do this, a child chooses one of the red piles and looks sec-
retly at all three cards in the pile. If the animal they are looking for is on one of the
cards, the card is shown to the other players, and the player is allowed to take the
animal from the central pile. The red pile is returned to its place in the circle. Then
a new card from the blue pile is turned over and the player's turn continues until he
or she chooses a pile in which that animal is not shown. If the relevant animal isn't
hidden in the pile, it has to be put back and it is the next player's turn.