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Beleduc Flori Colori Colour Matching Game 七彩花朵 顏色配對遊戲

Beleduc Flori Colori Colour Matching Game 七彩花朵 顏色配對遊戲

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Beleduc Flori Colori Colour Matching Game 七彩花朵 顏色配對遊戲

Age 3+
Number of player: 2-4

五顏六色的花盤必須一步一步地放置在花草甸上,正確的顏色,這樣蝴蝶才能飛過它。準備工作 遊戲板的放置方式應讓所有玩家都能輕鬆觸及。 16 個彩色花盤經過充分洗牌後放置在遊戲盤旁。蝴蝶被放置在其飛行路徑的第一個空間,因此也準備起飛。遊戲過程: 最年輕的玩家開始擲骰子。如果骰子顯示 4 種顏色的花朵,玩家可以將任何花盤放在遊戲盤上相同顏色的花朵上。然而,如果拋出的是蝴蝶,則該場地上不得放置花盤。相反,蝴蝶必須再飛一格。然後輪到下一個玩家了。

Quick guide: The colorful flower discs must be placed step by step, with the correct colors on the flower meadow, so that it is completely equipped before the butterfly can fly over it. Preparation of The game board is placed in such a way that it can be comfortably reached by all the players. The 16 colorful flower discs are shuffled well and placed next to the game board. The butterfly is placed on the first space of its flight path and is therefore also ready for take-off. Course of the game: The youngest player starts to roll the dice. If the die shows 4 colored flowers, the player may take any flower disc and place it on a flower of the same color on the game board. However, if a butterfly is thrown, then no flower disc may be placed on this field. Instead, the butterfly must fly one square further. Then it is the next player’s turn.

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