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Goliath Trash Stash Matching & Action Game 社區垃圾車 配對搶先遊戲

Goliath Trash Stash Matching & Action Game 社區垃圾車 配對搶先遊戲

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Goliath Trash Stash Matching & Action Game 社區垃圾車 遊配對搶先遊戲

孩子們喜歡垃圾日! 有了這輛有趣的 社區垃圾車,孩子們可以一遍又一遍地重溫它。 輪流抽牌並將垃圾放入他的罐子裡。 把你所有的東西都處理掉了嗎? 然後輕輕轉動手臂,將垃圾桶倒進卡車裡! 但要小心——這輛卡車快滿了! 成為第一個在不讓卡車上翻的情況下清除所有垃圾的玩家即可獲勝! 無需閱讀,因此即使是最年輕的玩家也能在牌桌上佔有一席之地。 此外,無需電池即可享受 Goliath 帶來的兒童供電樂趣。 然後,當您玩完後,所有棋子都可以儲存在遊戲單元內,這樣它們就不會丟失! 包括 1 輛垃圾車、24 件垃圾、16 張清潔卡、1 張貼紙和完整說明書。 建議 4 歲以上 2-4 名玩家使用。

小心——這輛卡車可能會裝得太滿,並把所有垃圾都扔掉! 成為第一個清除所有垃圾且不讓卡車翻倒的人即可獲勝!
完全獨立,所有部件都安全地存放在遊戲單元內 - 包括 1 輛垃圾車、24 件垃圾、16 張清潔卡、1 張貼紙和完整說明書
建議 4 歲以上 2-4 名玩家使用

1 輛垃圾車
24 件垃圾
1 張張貼紙

Kids LOVE Garbage Day! With this friendly neighborhood trash truck, kids can relive it over and over again. Take turns drawing cards and placing trash pieces into his can. Got rid of all your pieces? Then gently turn his arm to empty the trashcan into the truck! But watch out – this truck is getting full! Be the first player to get rid of all your trash pieces without making the truck upchuck to win! No reading is required, so even the youngest players have a seat at the table. Plus, no batteries are required for the kid-powered fun you can expect from Goliath. Then when you’re done playing, all the pieces can be stored inside the game unit, so they don’t get lost! Includes 1 Trash Truck, 24 Pieces of Trash, 16 Clean-Up Cards, 1 Sticker Sheet, and Complete Instructions. Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 4 and up.

  • What day do kids love – Garbage Day!
  • Cool trash truck mechanism creates realistic experience – just turn his arm and watch the trashcan go up to dump the garbage into the truck
  • Watch out – this truck might get too full and upchuck all the trash! Be first to get rid of all your trash without making the truck upchuck to win!
  • No reading required to play and no batteries required for kid-powered fun
  • Completely self-contained with all the pieces stored safely inside the game unit – includes 1 Trash Truck, 24 Pieces of Trash, 16 Clean-Up Cards, 1 Sticker Sheet, and Complete Instructions
  • Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 4 and up


  • 1 Trash Truck
  • 24 Pieces of Trash
  • 16 Clean-Up Cards
  • 1 Sticker Sheet
  • Complete Instructions
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