Haba 300124 Chief Pat-a-bang Game 印第安密碼 拍鼓猜圖 手耳協作遊戲
Haba 300124 Chief Pat-a-bang Game 印第安密碼 拍鼓猜圖 手耳協作遊戲
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Haba 300124 Chief Pat-a-bang Game 印第安密碼 拍鼓猜圖遊戲
(German Name: Häuptling Bumm-ba-bumm)
Ages 3+
山洞村裡鼓聲回響。印第安大酋長 Boom Pat-a-bang 正在尋找 手和耳仔最快的小朋友
小朋友可以扮演印第安人看圖打出節奏密碼, 看看其他參賽者能最快地識別鼓聲的序列密碼,用揮棒敲打出正確的圖案, 並在最後收集到最多卡牌的人,就能贏得這場遊戲!
遊戲內容:1 個鈸鼓、27 張鼓牌(展示 6 個圖案動機)、4 張薩滿卡、1 張臭鼬卡、5 個揮棒手、1 套遊戲說明
Drum strokes echo throughout the tee pee village. Big chief Boom Pat-a-bang is searching for the best rhythm reader among the American Indians. Diligently he drums the wildest rhythms to reverberate throughout the prairie. However only the one who decodes the secret message they carry can become the assistant of the deaf medicine man… Whoever is the fastest at recognizing the drumming sequence, strikes the correct motifs with the swatter and collects the most cards in the end, can win this game!