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Hape 2-In-1 Tic Tac Toe and Snakes & Ladders Game 2合1 井字遊戲與蛇梯遊戲

Hape 2-In-1 Tic Tac Toe and Snakes & Ladders Game 2合1 井字遊戲與蛇梯遊戲

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Hape 2-In-1 Tic Tac Toe and Snakes & Ladders Game 2合1 井字遊戲與蛇梯遊戲

Product code: E0478 Barcode: 6943478032361 Age: 3Y+




  • 可用部件:九格遊戲板、8個玩家棋子(4隻企鵝和4隻海豹)、骰子。
  • 遊戲規則
    • 兩位玩家擲骰子,擲出最高點數的玩家先行。
    • 交替在遊戲板上放置棋子。
    • 先在橫向、縱向或對角線上連成三個棋子的玩家獲勝。


  • 可用部件:遊戲板有蛇,1隻企鵝棋子,1隻海豹棋子,1個骰子。
  • 遊戲規則
    • 交替擲骰子,擲出最高點數的玩家先行。
    • 根據擲出的數字在方格上移動棋子。
    • 當你落在梯子的底部時可以爬上去,但如果落在蛇的頭上,則必須滑到尾部。
    • 第一個到達終點的玩家獲勝。


  • 包裝尺寸:8.5 x 13.2 x 2.7 cm
  • 產品尺寸:0 x 0 x 0 cm(具體尺寸未提供)


Tic Tac Toe Usable parts: Nine-space game board, 8 player pieces (4 penguins and 4 seals), dice. Game rules: Both players roll the die and the player who rolls the highest number goes first. Take turns to place your pieces on board. The player who succeeds in placing three of their pieces in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row is the winner. Snakes & Ladders Parts to be used: Game board with snakes, one penguin piece, one seal piece, one dice Game rules: Take turns to roll the dice. The player who rolls the highest number goes first. Move your piece along the squares according to the number you rolled. You can climb to the top of the ladders when you land on their bases, but if you land on a snake head you have to slide back down to its tail. The first player to reach the end is the winner!

Hape Toys Series: Games

Packing size: 8.5x13.2x2.7cm

Product size 0x0x0cm

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