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Highlights Storybook Level K1-K3 Set A & B 36 Books Set

Highlights Storybook Level K1-K3 Set A & B 36 Books Set

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Highlights Storybook Level K1, Set A & B

◎Highlights Storybooks是由美國親子雜誌第一品牌,擁有70年兒童教育經驗的Highlights規劃出版的第一套Grade K-6(幼稚園到小六)親子讀本。內容兼具經典素材與現代新知,取材多樣,主題多元,編排完善。

●全系列共90本讀本(Storybook),分為三個閱讀年齡層,9個級數,每一級數2套,皆有文學類(fiction)與非文學類(non-fiction),供上下學期使用,共計18套,文學類為精采故事,非文學類為社會與自然科學,每套各含5本讀本和一本親子∕教師手冊(user guide)。讓小朋友透過閱讀以及單元活動設計增強語文能力,同時也促進品格及全方位知識提升。
●在每套書籍中,規劃親子∕教師指導手冊,手冊內容實用豐富,詳列課程學習大綱,包含各書主題(Topic)、使用字數(word count)、關鍵字(key words)、關鍵句(key sentences)、簡介(summary)、習題解答(answer)以及提示與建議 (Tips & Advice),確保家長∕老師與小朋友能更有系統、更有效學習。
●讀本之外,因應數位學習需求,鼓勵自主學習。讀者可掃描手冊中的QR Code,鏈結使用這5本書的數位QR Book,QR Book提供影音閱讀以及相關互動學習功能。同時,額外提供6本精選自Highlights Library的QR Book,以增進培養小朋友閱讀的機會與能力,因此買一套實際可讀11本書。
●QR Book可自動朗讀全篇故事,另可依照小朋友閱讀程度,調整朗讀語速。朗讀文字可同步標示,唸到哪裡,使用者聽到哪裡,閱讀畫面也會同步標示到該字或句子的位置。點選QR Book中的句子可隨選朗讀,針對需要加強聆聽的句子重複練習。

Highlights Storybooks is a 90-volume collection of leveled readers from grades K to 6, with additional comprehension activities. Each unique storybook set comes beautifully packaged in a slipcase cover.


  • Two sets per level
  • Each set includes five storybooks with comprehension questions and corresponding activities for each to enhance reading comprehension
  • Each set also includes learning guide with answer key, instructional tips, and six bonus digital stories

This K1 12-Bookset both includes Set A and Set B Sample of digital stories 

Sample of digital stories

  1. User Guide K1-A (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
  2. User Guide K1-B (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
  3. Going Home
  4. I Like Cats!
  5. Around the Town
  6. Up and Down
  7. Holiday Cookies
  8. I Love Words
  9. Counting Bugs
  10. Plane View
  11. Sleepyheads Snooze
  12. Kittengarten

This K2 12-Bookset both includes Set A and Set B 

Sample of digital stories 

  1. User Guide K2-A (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
  2. User Guide K2-B (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
  3. Today Is Different
  4. The Place for Cat
  5. Things That Go
  6. Huggy Baby Bunny
  7. "Me, Too!" Says Lulu
  8. My Day
  9. My Shoes Sing
  10. Go, Train, Go!
  11. Food from the Farm
  12. Three Little Monkeys

This K3 12-Bookset both includes Set A and Set B 

Sample of digital stories

  1. User Guide K3-A (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
  2. User Guide K3-B (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
  3. Bella's First Day
  4. Hello, World!
  5. Little Bunny's New Neighbor
  6. Who's Ready to Ride?
  7. Enjoy the Show!
  8. Bea and Lop
  9. It's Time For...
  10. Fun at the Picnic
  11. How to Cure a Cold
  12. A Little Book of Thanks
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