Highlights Storybook Level K1-K3 Set A & B 36 Books Set
Highlights Storybook Level K1-K3 Set A & B 36 Books Set
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Highlights Storybook Level K1, Set A & B
◎Highlights Storybooks是由美國親子雜誌第一品牌,擁有70年兒童教育經驗的Highlights規劃出版的第一套Grade K-6(幼稚園到小六)親子讀本。內容兼具經典素材與現代新知,取材多樣,主題多元,編排完善。
●全系列共90本讀本(Storybook),分為三個閱讀年齡層,9個級數,每一級數2套,皆有文學類(fiction)與非文學類(non-fiction),供上下學期使用,共計18套,文學類為精采故事,非文學類為社會與自然科學,每套各含5本讀本和一本親子∕教師手冊(user guide)。讓小朋友透過閱讀以及單元活動設計增強語文能力,同時也促進品格及全方位知識提升。
●在每套書籍中,規劃親子∕教師指導手冊,手冊內容實用豐富,詳列課程學習大綱,包含各書主題(Topic)、使用字數(word count)、關鍵字(key words)、關鍵句(key sentences)、簡介(summary)、習題解答(answer)以及提示與建議 (Tips & Advice),確保家長∕老師與小朋友能更有系統、更有效學習。
●讀本之外,因應數位學習需求,鼓勵自主學習。讀者可掃描手冊中的QR Code,鏈結使用這5本書的數位QR Book,QR Book提供影音閱讀以及相關互動學習功能。同時,額外提供6本精選自Highlights Library的QR Book,以增進培養小朋友閱讀的機會與能力,因此買一套實際可讀11本書。
●QR Book可自動朗讀全篇故事,另可依照小朋友閱讀程度,調整朗讀語速。朗讀文字可同步標示,唸到哪裡,使用者聽到哪裡,閱讀畫面也會同步標示到該字或句子的位置。點選QR Book中的句子可隨選朗讀,針對需要加強聆聽的句子重複練習。
Highlights Storybooks is a 90-volume collection of leveled readers from grades K to 6, with additional comprehension activities. Each unique storybook set comes beautifully packaged in a slipcase cover.
- Two sets per level
- Each set includes five storybooks with comprehension questions and corresponding activities for each to enhance reading comprehension
- Each set also includes learning guide with answer key, instructional tips, and six bonus digital stories
This K1 12-Bookset both includes Set A and Set B Sample of digital stories
- User Guide K1-A (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
- User Guide K1-B (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
- Going Home
- I Like Cats!
- Around the Town
- Up and Down
- Holiday Cookies
- I Love Words
- Counting Bugs
- Plane View
- Sleepyheads Snooze
- Kittengarten
This K2 12-Bookset both includes Set A and Set B
- User Guide K2-A (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
- User Guide K2-B (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
- Today Is Different
- The Place for Cat
- Things That Go
- Huggy Baby Bunny
- "Me, Too!" Says Lulu
- My Day
- My Shoes Sing
- Go, Train, Go!
- Food from the Farm
- Three Little Monkeys
This K3 12-Bookset both includes Set A and Set B
- User Guide K3-A (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
- User Guide K3-B (includes digital edition with audio + 6 bonus stories)
- Bella's First Day
- Hello, World!
- Little Bunny's New Neighbor
- Who's Ready to Ride?
- Enjoy the Show!
- Bea and Lop
- It's Time For...
- Fun at the Picnic
- How to Cure a Cold
- A Little Book of Thanks