Masterkidz Build-My-Castle Beech Wood Building Blocks Set of 296件套 夢想城堡 天然北歐櫸木積木
Masterkidz Build-My-Castle Beech Wood Building Blocks Set of 296件套 夢想城堡 天然北歐櫸木積木
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ME31242 Build-My-Castle Translucent Beech Wood Building Blocks Set of 296件套 天然北歐櫸木積木
Recommended Age: 3y+
- 共有296件精美的山毛櫸木和亞克力組件
- 組件設計靈感來自古代建築,包括塔樓、尖塔、拱門、方塊和柱子等
- 還有可用於製作虛構角色的木釘組件
- 附有詳細的指導手冊,提供眾多建築場景靈感
- 豐富多樣的組件,為創意建構提供無限可能
- 適合個人或小組合作遊玩
- 有助於培養專注力、分類、堆疊和排列等技能
- 同時鍛鍊手眼協調和精細動作能力
- 是一件非常適合在教室使用的通用教育資源
總的來說,這款 ME31259 Build-My-Castle 296件套積木是一件非常出色的創意建構玩具。它不僅擁有豐富的組件設計,還能啟發孩子的想象力,培養各種認知和動手能力。這是一件家庭和學校都會有需求的優質教育資源。
With 296 beautiful beech components some with acrylic inserts, this set takes its inspiration from the ancient world with towers, turrets, arches, blocks and columns. In addition, there are dolly peg components too so that imaginary characters can be made to interact with the scenery. A comprehensive guide offers numerous inspirational suggestions of scenes to build and copy or the pieces can be used in open-ended free play. With so many components it is possible for children to work in small groups (up to 4 children) contributing to the same design. Perfect for small world play. Using the pieces will improve children’s concentration, sorting, stacking and arranging skills as well as fine motor and coordination. A general classroom resource that will be endlessly sought and used.
• 296 beech and colourful acrylic components
• Visually appealing and soft to touch
• Pieces made to reflect architectural components of ancient buildings and castles
• Ideal for open-ended construction, fantasy building or for use in small world play
• Ideal for both individual building or group play
• A colour booklet is filled with ideas of possible buildings to make
• Will improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor control