HABA My Very First Game - Hungry as a Bear Matching, Memory & Cooperative game 小熊餓了-配對記憶合作遊戲
HABA My Very First Game - Hungry as a Bear Matching, Memory & Cooperative game 小熊餓了-配對記憶合作遊戲
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HABA My Very First Game - Hungry as a Bear Matching, Memory & Cooperative game 配對記憶合作遊戲
HABA 《我的第一款遊戲 -小熊餓了 配對記憶合作遊戲》
- 多種玩法:包括多種遊戲模式,促進記憶、靈巧度和語言技能的發展。
- 合作與互動:孩子們可以共同努力,讓小熊吃飽,增強團隊合作能力。
- 學習與樂趣並重:遊戲過程中,孩子們的精細動作、專注力、同理心和語言能力都能得到提升。
玩法一:咕嚕咕嚕 - 小熊非常餓
- 合作技巧遊戲,適合2歲以上的孩子。將小熊放在中央,將藍莓、菠菜、胡蘿蔔和草莓的食物放在盤子上。輪流擲骰子,根據骰子上的食物餵小熊,當盤子空了,孩子們一起獲勝,並可隨意跳舞慶祝!
玩法二:啃啃啃 - 小熊餓得不行
- 一個有趣的記憶遊戲,適合2歲以上的孩子。將12個食物面朝下排列成網格,每位玩家輪流翻開兩個食物,看看能否找到配對。
- 一個訓練語言能力和詞彙的遊戲,適合3歲以上的孩子。將食物放在盤子中,輪流讓孩子們猜測誰的最愛是什麼,其他孩子可以問「是綠色的嗎?」等問題來推測,猜對的孩子可以獲得一份食物作為獎勵。
- 包含3D遊戲板,讓孩子們可以實際餵食小熊。
Download HABA My Very First Game - Hungry as a Bear game instruction 小熊餓了-配對記憶合作遊戲說明書
Various games for 1 - 3 players age 2+ which use a spoon to feed the bear.
The little bear is starving. No problem as a plate with different servings has already been prepared. But which are the servings little bear can be fed? The die will tell. Who wants to help feed the little bear?
My Very First Games. Your investment in this game is a smart decision, as it will offer your child many possibilities to learn through playing. These instructions offer many hints and suggestions about how to explore the game material with your child and how to use them in different games. In this way, your child’s skills and abilities are fostered: motor skills, concentration, ability to empathize and language skills. Above all, however, playing these games is simply fun! So learning happens while they play, almost without effort.
Game#1: Rumble, rumble- Little Bear is Very Hungry
A co-operative game of skill for children age 2+. Before Starting to Play Set up the little bear and place him in the center. Now place the servings showing the blueberries, the spinach, the carrots and strawberries onto the plate. The other servings are not needed. Place the spoon next to the plate. Teach your child how to roll a die. And Off You Go The children play one by one in a clockwise direction. Whoever has eaten spinach most recently starts and rolls the die.
End of the Game As soon as the plate is empty, the game ends. Take the servings off the table and put them in a stack. Next to it stack up the servings that have been fed. If this stack is higher, the children have won together and perform a fun bear dance across the room.
Game#2: Chomp, chomp- Little Bear is Starving
A fun feeding memory game for children age 2+. Before Starting to Play Set up the little bear and place him in the center. Shuffl e the twelve servings face down and arrange them into a grid. Get the spoon ready. The plate and die are not needed. And Off You Go The children play one by one in a clockwise direction. Whoever has eaten carrots most recently, starts and turns over two servings.
Game#3: Have a guess: What is my F-F-Favorite Dish?
A witty game to train language skills and vocabulary for children age 3+. Before Starting to Play Place the servings on a plate and place it in the center. Little bear, the spoon and the die are not needed.
And Off You Go The children play one by one in a clockwise direction. The child that has most recently eaten rice may start. He thinks of one of his favorite dishes, for example chocolate pudding. Then he asks the other children: Have a guess: What is my f-f-favorite dish? The other children now one by one ask questions that can be answered with a "Yes" or "No". Examples: Is it green? Does it taste sweet? Is it a vegetable? If the answer is "Yes", the child who asked the question may have a guess. Right guess? • Yes! Great. The guess of the asking child was right and as a reward he receives a serving from the plate. • No! Pity. Wrong guess! The next child asks a question. If the favorite dish has been guessed, the turn passes to the next child.
- Includes 3D board to feed
- Game fosters memory, dexterity and language skills
SKU: Haba-301257, Haba-300171