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Tchoukball Frame Foldable 可折疊 巧固球網架

Tchoukball Frame Foldable 可折疊 巧固球網架

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Tchoukball Frame Foldable (Rebounder Net) 可折疊 巧固球網架

巧固球(法語:Tchoukball)是一項球類運動,由瑞士生物學家赫爾曼·布蘭德Hermann Brandt)在1970年代發明[1],由於球撞到球網的聲音類似法文的「tchouk」,故此被命名為Tchoukball,漢語遂音譯為「巧固球」。


Tchoukball is a team sport invented in the 1960s taking inspiration from handball, volleyball and Basque pelota. It was created by Dr Hermann Brandt, a Swiss biologist, who wanted a way of playing high-velocity sport whilst avoiding direct contact between players and thus reducing injuries. In the UK it’s mainly played indoors as a 7-a-side game.

Tchoukball is a mixed-gender, non-contact sport. There is no tackling, blocking or obstruction of players and no interceptions of passes allowed, which means that players of different height and build can play together without impacting their game. The main skills needed to play tchoukball is the ability to catch and throw the ball, it is therefore great for hand-eye coordination and development of transferable skills. Playing tchoukball regularly will also lead to greater agility, speed, strength and reaction times.

Below are some of the key rules of tchoukball – you can find more in Rules of the Game:

  • The ball can’t touch anyone below the knee.
  • The ball can’t touch the ground during play.
  • You have 3 steps with the ball (if they catch it in the air, or 2 steps if they’re on the ground at the time).
  • You have 3 seconds with the ball before you have to pass or shoot.
  • The team has 3 passes with the ball before they have to shoot.
    • The first pass from behind the frame is called a 0 pass and doesn’t count towards the 3.
  • Both teams can shoot 3 times at the same frame before the ball has to be shot at the other end. 
  • You can’t enter the ‘D’ with the ball. If you’re shooting then you can jump inside the ‘D’ but you must shoot before you land.

If a fault happens then a “breakdown” is awarded to the opposing team. They gain possession of the ball and a player restarts the game by touching the ball to the floor with both hands where the fault happened on court. Once a breakdown is taken the player has three seconds before they have to pass to a teammate.

A (senior) tchoukball game is 45 minutes in total, split into 3 x 15-minute periods with 3 minute breaks.

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