Snowball Battle Game 打雪仗比賽
Snowball Battle Game 打雪仗比賽
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Snowball Battle Game 打雪仗比賽
非常經典好玩的打雪仗遊戲! 讓整個班級的小朋友運動。 這款雪球遊戲可容納12名玩家,每隊6位玩家,每一次隊員手中不得超過2隻球。 戰壕是由高品質的材料製成的,這整套設備可以在正常使用的情況下持續使用數年。 遊戲開始後孩子們可以在戰壕後面閃躲,避免被雪球砸中而淘汰出局,在遊戲結束後哪支隊伍留下的隊員多著為勝隊。 每局時間為3分鐘,經過三局兩勝來判斷那隻隊伍為獲勝隊。 一套含2隻戰壕、2隻塑膠桶、24隻雪球。
A classic and fun snowball battle game! This snowball game can accommodate 12 players, each team has 6 players, and each player must have no more than 2 balls in their hands. The trenches are made from high quality materials and the entire set will last for years with normal use. After the game starts, children can dodge behind the trenches to avoid being hit by snowballs and being eliminated. At the end of the game, whichever team has more players left behind will be the winner. Each game lasts for 3 minutes, and the winning team will be judged after two out of three games. One set contains 2 trenches, 2 plastic buckets, and 24 snowballs.