Usborne Lift-the-Flap General Knowledge 常識 知識百科翻翻書
Usborne Lift-the-Flap General Knowledge 常識 知識百科翻翻書
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Usborne Lift-the-Flap General Knowledge Lift-the-Flap General Knowledge 常識 知識百科翻翻書
超過 135 個謎題,揭開諸如卡拉 OK 在日語中的含義、蒙娜麗莎的名字來源以及有多少人是成吉思汗的後裔等引人入勝的事實。 分為生物、科學實驗室、寶庫和何時發生等主題? 主題包括元素週期表、地球的形成、鹹水鱷魚、吉薩大金字塔等等。 是提高常識的理想選擇,並保證讓喜歡事實、愛問問題的孩子開心幾個小時。
Over 135 flaps to uncover fascinating facts such as what karaoke means in Japanese, how the Mona Lisa got her name and how many people are descended from Genghis Khan. Divided into subjects such as Living Things, Science Lab, Treasure Trove, and When Did It Happen? with topics including the periodic table, the formation of the Earth, saltwater crocodiles, the great pyramid of Giza and lots more.