Usborne Noisy Dinosaurs Sound Book 熱鬧的恐龍發聲書
Usborne Noisy Dinosaurs Sound Book 熱鬧的恐龍發聲書
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Usborne Noisy Dinosaurs Sound Book 熱鬧的恐龍發聲書 Noisy Dinosaurs Sound Boo
史前世界是一個嘈雜的地方,到處都是咆哮的霸王龍、大口大嚼的蜥腳類動物和嘶嘶作響的猛禽。 小手會忍不住按下聲音按鈕並模仿恐龍的聲音。 強大的選項卡允許快速輕鬆地定位場景。
The prehistoric world was a noisy place, full of roaring tyrannosauruses, chomping sauropods and hissing raptors. Little hands won’t be able to resist pressing the sound buttons and copying the dinosaur noises. Strong tabs allow scenes to be located quickly and easily.