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Weplay Balance Himalayas Weplay山脈步道

Weplay Balance Himalayas Weplay山脈步道

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Weplay Balance Himalayas  Weplay山脈步道

  • 單片步道中有一陡一緩的山丘,微微傾斜又扭轉的山脊小徑,大大地挑戰幼兒平衡專注及上下坡的重心控制。
  • 山脈兩側下凹的山壁保留足夠的行走空間,孩子可打開腳走在左右兩邊;或是雙腳交替走過單邊狹窄的路徑。
  • 兩片步道併排,底下形成寬大的溪谷,適合幼齡孩子行走練習;相同的路徑造型,年紀大的幼兒也能嘗試雙腳各自走在不同步道的山頂處。
  • 卡榫設計,組裝容易且無方向性,波浪、大轉彎或圍成一圈,增進幼兒的空間判斷和適應環境能力。
  • 情境式的止滑圖騰,山頂點點雲朵、山谷溪水波濤,提高遊戲動機,並保護活動安全。
  • 堆疊收納,省力又不佔空間!
  • Traversing across mountains- a great adventure for children! Children can walk on the sloping and narrow ridges as balance exercises or walk along the sides of the ridge to traverse to the other side, which challenges the mobility of the lower body. The anti-slip pattern, inspired by the clouds over mountains and rivers flowing through the valley, ensures safety and makes the activity more fun.
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