Weplay Cookie Festival Weplay甜心派對
Weplay Cookie Festival Weplay甜心派對
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Weplay Cookie Festival Weplay甜心派對
- 餅乾人外型邊緣齒輪狀的設計,從平面拼組到立體堆疊,訓練孩子手部穩定度。
- 餅乾人上下蓋可打開、卡合與換色,增進孩子手指細部動作與視覺認知及序列概念。
- 餅乾人內可放入豆子、珠子等不同小物,增加聲音遊戲並改變重量,讓堆疊遊戲更具挑戰。
- 獨特的香蕉船正反皆可做為堆疊底座的設計,正面搖擺與反面凹槽卡合,給予孩子搖擺及穩固兩種堆疊遊戲變化。
- 多元的遊戲方式,過程中增進孩子專注力、自信心及挫折忍受力。
- Let us get on the Banana Base and rock the party! These cute little Cookiemen enhance children’s fine movement stability through unlimited stacking fun. The unique banana base adds extra challenges when being used as a rocking bar. This can increase children’s symmetry and balance concepts. Insert small objects such as beans into Cookiemen for a sound guessing game.