Weplay Crystal Spectrum Blocks Weplay晶彩積木
Weplay Crystal Spectrum Blocks Weplay晶彩積木
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Weplay Crystal Spectrum Blocks Weplay晶彩積木
- 創新的立體雪花積木,保留雪花片開放建構精神,除了單點卡合外,更新增「兩點卡合」及「垂直拼組」玩法,大大的強化幼兒立體空間認知。
- 幼齡孩子可從基礎的柱狀卡合開始,逐步發現各種積木拼接的巧妙變化,挑戰懸空、扭轉等進階造型,提升問題解決能力,成人也能一起腦力激盪。
- 晶透材質,在建構中探索紅、黃、藍三原色的交疊混搭;加入純透明積木,調和色彩濃淡,作品更加活潑、有層次。
- 搭配燈桌或手電筒進行光影遊戲,運用積木色彩、內外結構線條創作,藝術美感大升級!
- 6張雙面圖卡,提供建築、交通工具、動物等多種造型範例,啟發幼兒創作靈感。
- Weplay Crystal Spectrum Blocks is a creative open-ended block set. The Spectrum Blocks can fit together from different angles or even with two connection points. Children learn to connect and balance the Spectrum Blocks while creating their artistic works. The three transparent primary color blocks enable children to understand the initial dynamic concepts of color mixing. Six double-sided game cards provide inspirational ideas.