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Weplay Jumbo Circus Weplay小象馬戲團

Weplay Jumbo Circus Weplay小象馬戲團

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Regular price HK$1,489.00
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Weplay Jumbo Circus  Weplay小象馬戲團

  • 在卡合、剝開小象積木的遊戲當中,練習手腕的力道與技巧,並認識圓滾動的原理。
  • 小象半圓設計,可單獨堆疊也可在平衡板上堆疊,培養手部穩定度,增進專注力。
  • 三種尺寸小象,提供幼兒大小分類、序列的邏輯概念。
  • 小象1:2:4的砝碼重量比例,搭配平衡板刻紋設計,讓幼兒認識天秤平衡原理,並建立數學四則運算概念。
  • 在團體遊戲中,可藉由競賽或合作方式,培養幼兒挫折忍受度與學習態度。
  • Welcome to the circus! These cute and colorful elephant blocks come in three sizes and weights. The blocks are in 4:2:1 weight ratio for various learning and creative opportunities. Two blocks can be combined into a circle for a rolling game. Stackable blocks bring different levels of stacking games. Planks come with notches and can be used as seesaws for balancing concepts.
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