Weplay Plan Your Step Weplay花瓣岩
Weplay Plan Your Step Weplay花瓣岩
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Weplay Plan Your Step Weplay花瓣岩
- 獨特斜凹面設計的花瓣岩,細窄到寬闊的踩踏面積,挑戰行走平衡的穩定度。
- 一組有六塊,使用者可依需求自由地轉換路徑傾斜的方向,練習身體重心轉移的靈活度。
- 將花瓣岩並排、間隔或連接在一起,可以是蜿蜒且高低起伏的山林小徑;或像海邊崎嶇不平又佈滿坑洞的岩岸,模擬大自然中令人驚嘆的風景地貌,增進幼兒適應環境的能力。
- 左右弧度的花瓣造型,兩兩相接時不會受到角度及方向限制,組合方式更多元。
- 花瓣岩可卡合疊高,創造高低落差的挑戰步道,強化下肢力量。
- 表面止滑條設計,保護行走安全,也提供腳底觸覺體驗。
- 輕鬆堆疊收納,不佔空間!
- The unique sloped surface design includes both narrow and wide sides to step over, which helps children improve balancing skills and stretch calf muscles. Each set contains 6 pieces, the Sloped Stones are stackable for easy storage and variable heights. The circular arc-shaped allows them to fit neatly against each other, you can even turn the piece to form gaps. More sets, more fun!